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평택시 약사회 부작용 보고 활성화 사업의 추진 과정 및 성과
The Process and Results of the Pyeongtaek Pharmaceutical Association’s Project to Promote Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting
2022년 Vol.8 No.02
김용환*, 서영진, 변영태
경기도약사회 평택시 분회
Young-Hwan Kim*, Young-Jin Seo, Young-Tai Byun
Pyeongtaek Branch, Gyeonggi Branch of the Korean Pharmaceutical Association
경기도약사회 평택시 분회
Young-Hwan Kim*, Young-Jin Seo, Young-Tai Byun
Pyeongtaek Branch, Gyeonggi Branch of the Korean Pharmaceutical Association
Objectives: The project to promote adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting by the Pyeongtaek Pharmaceutical Association (PPA) began in November 2019. We considered three things at first while working on this project. First, we encouraged executives to participate in ADR reporting and then expanded it to all members. Second, we motivated our members to participate in ADR reporting and worked hard to keep them engaged. Finally, public relations and compensation policies were implemented to encourage and maintain participation in ADR reporting. Methods: The first step was to change the perception of ADR reporting and educate the members on how to report ADRs as most of them lacked experience in this field. The second step involved motivating members who have participated at least once to continue their participation. The final step was to provide sufficient rewards to keep them engaged. We presented monthly awards for Outstanding Reporting Pharmacies. Results: The number of ADRs reported by the PPA increased from 26 in 2018 to 358 in 2019 and 1,072 in 2020. The PPA reported 1,871 cases in 2021, the largest number of ADRs reported among the nationwide branches of the Korean Pharmaceutical Association. In 2022, the PPA reported 925 ADRs by the end of July, maintaining the largest number of reports. Conclusion: Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of ADRs reported by pharmacists has continued to decrease. Therefore, it is more important than ever to promote ADR reporting in each branch of the Korean Pharmaceutical Association. This study could serve as a reference for other branches that are not yet active in reporting ADRs.
Adverse drug reaction, Pharmacist, Local pharmacy, ADR reporting